Nicholas Ludford Edition

The four discs of music by Nicholas Ludford (c.1485–1557) was the first recording project undertaken by The Cardinall’s Musick and ASV Records. Once thought to have been a shadowy figure about whom we know nothing, thanks to the work of David Skinner, we now can place him as the pre-eminent composer of the last days of pre-Reformation England and inheritor of the mantel of Robert Fayrfax. With his large number of festal masses, his cycle of Lady Masses, two Magnificats and many antiphons he was one of the most prolific writers of his age. His music, which is of the highest quality, is brought to life for the first time in these recordings.
Vol: 4
Missa Lapidaverunt Stephanum Ave Maria ancilla Trinitatis Plainsong Propers for the Feast of S. Stephen » -
Vol: 3
Missa Christi virgo dilectissima Domine Jesu Christe Plainsong Propers for the Annunciation » -
Vol: 2
Missa Benedicta Magnificat Benedicta Plainsong Propers for the Assumption » -
Vol: 1
Missa Videte miraculum Ave cujus conceptio Plainsong Propers for the Purification »